Hello clinical years (and any eager pre-clins who are online already) and welcome to 2025!
As the second week of January rolls around, so does the start of the academic year for our clinical year students.
The Executive thought this would be a good time to remind you all of some resources we have available within the AMSS.
Course Guides
TeamEd have been working tirelessly behind the scenes to give you the smoothest sailing academic year possible. Whilst some of the academic guides are still a WIP, we are proud to announce our AMSS Guide to the Clinical Years 2025 which will provide you with helpful tips and tricks for tackling placement - especially for our incoming fourth years who will be experiencing full time placement for the first time!
Some highlights from this guide include…
- ‘The first days on placement’ and how to set the tone for a successful placement (pg. 4)
- ‘Theatre’, including preparing for and attending theatre sessions (pg. 12)
- ‘Clinical Terminology and Acronyms’ because why do wards have their own language! (pg. 25)
Stay tuned for more from TeamEd in the near future, including more newly updated Course Guides, and information regarding Peer2Peer, Mock OSCEs, and the AMC.
Educational Resources
Just in case you’ve lost the links…
Electronic Therapeutic Guidelines
And other useful educational resources can be found here
Health and Wellbeing
Don’t forget to check out the AMSS’ Health and Wellbeing page where you can find health tips, information about mental health days, and useful resources and contacts for both academic and non-academic issues.
Key Contacts
We’ve also consolidated a list of key contacts for if you find yourself unsure of who to reach out to:
Adelaide Medical Students’ Society Executive
- AMSS President: Sara Bilwani president@amss.org.au
- AMSS Vice President (Education): Lachlan Clarke vpe@amss.org.au
- AMSS Vice President (Communication): Maddie Moss vpc@amss.org.au
Adelaide Medical School Faculty
- Dean of Medicine and Head of School: Prof Josephine Thomas josephine.thomas@adelaide.edu.au
- Year 4-6 Program Director: Prof Martin Bruening martin.bruening@adelaide.edu.au
- Director, Medical Education: Prof Ben Canny ben.canny@adelaide.edu.au
- Placement Team: cpteam@adelaide.edu.au
- Pastoral Care + Remote International Student Support: Dr Tiffany Brooks tiffany.brooks@adelaide.edu.au
- Indigenous Health Lead: Michael Larkin michael.larkin@adelaide.edu.au
Year Level Specific Coordinators (including the Adelaide Rural Clinical School)

Clinical Years’ Welcome
We can’t wait to celebrate the start of 2025 at our Clinical Years’ Welcome, this Friday (17th January) at Atlantis (7pm). Don’t miss out - there are less than 50 tickets remaining. And they’re free!
To our sixth years, we wish you all the best in your final year of medical school. Enjoy it - before you know it you’ll be teaching us on the wards!

✍️ 2025 Exec
P.S don’t miss out on our newly acquired 10% discount for AMSS members at the Bean bar ☕️